Financial Freedom could be just one phonecall away…


Fenul Wealth Management is an independent, registered investment advisory firm located in Los Angeles, California. We specialize in providing Simple and comprehensive wealth management solutions to all people in any income category. If you are high net worth individual/family that would like to maintain, grow your wealth or retire, we are here for you to achieve your goals. If you are also at beginning of your career and would like to be high net worth individual/family in future with right financial decisions, we are also here for you to achieve your financial freedom.  We are investment advisor for all people that’s why we do not impose any minimum requirement on any of our services.

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Tayeb Ayat


Tayeb is a Founder and Chief Executive Officer at Fenul Wealth Management LLC. He is an active researcher and has established multiple investment and trading strategies with the objective of long-term capital appreciation in most market conditions. He is a leader in research and strategy development, contributing to the advancement of the stock and strategy selection investment process.  Tayeb is registered investment advisor representative in California and oversees all financial planning, portfolio management, and investment advice that provided to our clients.

Tayeb received PhD in Science from University of Southern California and dual B.S. and M.S. in engineering from the University of Southern California, graduating summa cum laude in all. He was lead Scientist and Engineer in various industries and teaching assistant for four years.


We will help people like you achieve peace of mind and financial freedom…